

This study proposes the exploration of the binaural beat alpha wave frequency effects on the mammalian brain in order to attribute that the natural brain synchronicity is the key component for preventative measures of beta-amyloid plaque build up and neurofibrillary entanglements that lead to apoptosis.


We will compare the effects of 30 minute binaural beat frequency stimulation while meditating and measure the results on an EEG. The neuroimaging modality that is capable of identifying brain wave abnormalities by registering electric signals produced by neurons is the electroencephalography (EEG) (K.J. Blinowska et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 128 (2017) 667–680). The purpose of the meditation is to demonstrate the development of neuroplasticity connectivity under a peaceful state of mind. The participants consist of individuals all who have early signs of dementia. The control group will consist of 30 individuals who will follow a healthy sleeping schedule and would stray away from unnatural lights in order to measure natural secretion of melatonin.The experimental group will account for 30 individuals who claim to have insomnia like habits or irregular circadian rhythm; they claim to have consistent exposure to non-natural lights, such as indoor LED lights and blue lights from cellular devices. The duration of the experiment will consist of three months in order for the biological clocks to be established. After each week, melatonin secretion levels will be measured by collecting and analyzing plasma melatonin levels (Benloucif el al. 2008).


We expect the control group to progress significantly greater than the experimental group. The control group is predicted to make compelling improvements in their cognitive functions that the regeneration of neural networks will be demonstrated through the increased secretion of melatonin (Ganguly, Surajit et al. 2002). The experimental group is expected to have an improved regulation of overall natural brain synchronicity because of the binaural beat stimulation. Although their symptoms of dementia will not increase, the secretion of melatonin will stay the same because blue light frequencies do not stimulate the secretion of melatonin.

Blinowska, Katarzyna J., et al. “Functional and Effective Brain Connectivity for Discrimination between Alzheimer’s Patients and Healthy Individuals: A Study on Resting State EEG Rhythms.” Clinical Neurophysiology, vol. 128, no. 4, 22 Oct. 2016, pp. 667–680., doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2016.10.002.

Benloucif, Susan & Burgess, Helen & Klerman, Elizabeth & Lewy, Alfred & Middleton, Benita & Murphy, Patricia & Parry, Barbara & Revell, Victoria. (2008). Measuring Melatonin in Humans. Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. 4. 66-9. 10.5664/jcsm.27083.

Ganguly, Surajit, et al. “Control of Melatonin Synthesis in the Mammalian Pineal Gland: the Critical Role of Serotonin Acetylation.” Cell and Tissue Research, vol. 309, no. 1, 29 May 2002, pp. 127–137., doi:10.1007/s00441-002-0579-y.


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